Wednesday, December 27, 2017

GLOBAL WARMING PROPAGANDA (this is a must read) 1st update



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 There are people in our government and other governments that are in cahoots with the NWO lead by the evil satanic Rothschild family and the committee of 300 that they are so arrogant they think its OK for the world to know of them that you can find them on the Internet almost anywhere, google them to see how brazen and arrogant these elitists are, then decide whether you are on gods side or Satan's side!! 

How people of any stature such as Gore can go into politics and then lie their worthless asses off like its OK to be a liar beats me, and what is even more disturbing is that there are stupid people out there who think they are smart that believe these damn lies!!! 

So read to the bottom unless the truth bothers you and you prefer a lie then pass!!!  In other words global warming is matriculated aggrandized manusha being spread around with a lot of manufactured essence of human fecal matter!!! 

Enjoy the BS spread if you want to be a slave to the elitists!!!

al gore GW

I have said this before and now I will try to explain it in a new way so that people can understand it.  Psychopaths are strategic.  They plot & plan long before they try to pull off their heist. What the Liberal Progressives did is they >>conflated<< Global Warming with their desired solution.  This is their ambitious End Game.  Democrats have systematically monopolized one industry after the next so that they can speak for others and force participation. 

Not only have they been trying to force a one party system in America (which isn’t a Democracy) they thought that they were in a position to create a One World Government.  The solution that they proffer to Global Warming is Universal Communism enforced by Liberal Progressive Democrats.  They own, or control, all of the means of production (a rhetorical tautology of communism).  They can stop or slow production in order to “reduce greenhouse gases”.  That means that people will die and the Democrats in control won’t be responsible because they are looking at the “bigger picture”.  “Oh, sorry, we can’t increase production because it will create Green House gases so we aren’t responsible for the deaths that happen because of our Arrogant, Lazy, Greed.  Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about the problems of low people.  We are well taken care of in our positions of undeserved authority.  But look at the bright side.  Living creatures create Green House, so, with a reduced population there will be less Global Warming.  While many people may die, mankind will survive, including myself and the other Democrat Tyrants.”

Barack Obama was operating on the Global Warming Agenda and look where we are now.  He spent more money than every president in history combined.  He was trying to bankrupt the United States and prove Capitalism flawed.  He hamstrung and gutted the Armed Forces forcing them to go into combat with their hands tied.  He flooded the country with Muslim refugees during a Christian genocide.  He enticed MS-13 gang members to come across the border as refugees and then transported them anywhere in the country they wanted to go.  He gave military grade weapons to Mexican Drug cartels.  He created ISIS by running drugs into Syria through Benghazi and then refused to attack ISIS claiming that he didn’t want to destroy the “infrastructure”.  

IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS globalists go to hell, oh what am I saying you will when Jesus returns you will be reunited with your father Satan!!!

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